Restarting Your Business When A Crisis Becomes The New Normal
The full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is still unfolding, but it’s already clear that the outbreak will spark major changes to every industry. The “new normal” seems to be the term given to whatever world we will emerge into once the coronavirus crisis passes. In fact, even the secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry, Ramon M. Lopez explained the protocols for “the new normal in business operations.”
In a statement, he said, “Minimum health standards—such as strict social distancing, wearing of face masks, presence of sanitation stations, taking of body temperature and provision of vitamins—must always be observed in work and public places.” But we can agree that these are inefficient, supposing that employees can go back to long hours of daily commute in order to come to their offices. According to an article by Rappler, businesses are taking it into their own hands by contemplating creative measures on how to strike the balance between getting back to work and putting employee health first. We analyzed these strategies and found that the ones requiring employees to go back to offices would still expose them to numerous risks. Meanwhile, companies who are planning to extend their work from home arrangements did not have sufficient tools and solutions for their staff. Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc. can only go as far as enabling employees to communicate about the work in isolation, but not necessarily do their work efficiently.
Now, you may be asking is there a way to give importance to your business operations while remaining empathetic to your employees? We say, there is. The sooner that we accept the fact that there is no going back to work as we know it, the sooner we can embrace the new normal. Just from an IT perspective, COVID-19 might be viewed as a wakeup call—an extreme reminder of why we’ve spent the past several years talking so much about digital transformation. Before, this was a competitive advantage, but now, with offices closed and millions of employees working from home, it’s a necessity.
With this, we are proud of how COMPLEO can transform work processes from manual to digital. For years, we have been developing this web portal to allow the business to operate from front to end. Whether it be submission of forms, onboarding, processing, etc. COMPLEO offers your employees and clients the flexibility to collaborate with anyone and work the way they want while satisfying security and compliance requirements. COMPLEO will improve processes, increase productivity and accessibility, deliver better customer experiences, manage business risk, and control costs.
This week alone, a major business in the states had filed for bankruptcy because of COVID-19. The risk for business continuity had never been this high. But for businesses that have invested in making sure they can operate efficiently in the digital world as well as in the physical one, COVID-19 might look more like a major disruption than an existential threat.